Planning A Launch

Planning a new launch is never easy. From the large formatting to the intricate details, every step needs to be considered, measured and executed in order to have a successful release.

But where do you start?

You know there are steps, you know there's a giant to do list, but it all seems so daunting (and let's face it, kind of scary). The best thing to do is just start slow, set your goals, make a list and work the timeline backwards.

I like to start with making the “To-Do” list and figuring out how long each task will take, and then I delegate! If it's going to take me hours to sort photos into folders, can I find someone willing to do the work so I can focus on other things? If I need to sort out the accounting and budgets, is it more cost effective to simply hire a book keeper for set up (the answer is always yes!)? Knowing your skills and the time it will take you to accomplish the tasks are a huge deciding factor in whether you will be on target with your timeline.

Once you get the timeline down, the rest is just straight hustle and dedication to get to the finish line; and unfortunately that's where a lot of business owners lose heart. Launching anything, whether a new product or a new business, takes a very special type of person because there are obviously risks associated with new ventures (mainly admitting a horrible failure). Calculating the risks vs. rewards and being willing to take them anyways is what sets the entrepreneur on a different field from most people. And if (or when) we fail, we fail while attempting something great and daring, which makes us better, more interesting people to be around. Recognizing that hustle in yourself and using that to stay on task is a great gift and will certainly makes staying on target much more attainable.

As the launch date approaches, get ready to celebrate it! Know that while you are celebrating a business achievement, you are also celebrating a personal one, and as most entrepreneurs love to do, TELL THE WORLD of your launch, don't be afraid to market and promote yourself and your business.

What was the most challenging part of launching your business? What do you wish people told you about starting a business or launching a product?

Beth Marchant

Graphic Designer and Small Business Supporter in Southern Ontario.

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